Monday, October 12, 2009

cloudy with a chance of random

today i was lucky enough to see "cloudy with a chance of meatballs". here is a child's review.

it was good but a bit to dramatic. some of it was just random. it is about a dude named "flint". random. this guy makes an invention that makes food fall from the sky. then it miraculously almost destroys the world. on the way he meets a weather lady and falls in love. he also meets this random, fat dude. i really didn't get the whole concept of the movie. i thought it would be funny if i was 8 but i'm not so it was just "ok". i would recommend it for kids 5-8. oh yeah, he also meets a random guy with a mustache. i really didn't get it.

so as you can see, it is pretty random in katie's world. i don't want to dump it all on you, sooooooo



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